May 3, 2022Liked by Dr Genevieve

Dr Genevieve, thank goodness for you! I have lived all my life behind a mask, a people pleaser, fixer and rescuer. My mother was also an HSP (as was her mother) and we shared a deep connection where I felt heard, seen and validated. Sadly she succumbed to Alzheimer’s and I really miss that deep emotional relationship. Your article today on loneliness really resonated as I’m searching for the connection I had with mum in others but being repeatedly disappointed and frustrated. Perhaps I need to nurture a part of myself? Thanks for your work in helping us HSPs understand ourselves and our world

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May 4, 2022Liked by Dr Genevieve

Your statement, "But this heightened level of awareness can also separate us from others, often leaving us asking: “Why can’t others see what I can see?”" so rang true with me. I find this so frustrating, in fact in truth I have just switched off and withdrawn from ever trying to attain true friendship. I have my wife and son and they are the only people that I have found that I can trust.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Dr Genevieve

This couldn't have appeared at a more appropriate moment! I'm really struggling to feel seen and heard in a 32 year old marriage, I'm so exhausted, depressed and my "fibromyalgia" is in full flare. I have no idea what one does when its our nearest and dearest that we feel so separate from........ and by crikey I've tried

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I really resonate with this. When I spend time with my in-laws, many of whom I suspect are on the autistic spectrum, I feel unbearably lonely. They don’t listen to me at all, talk over me and only ever want to talk about practical things. They become visibly uncomfortable if I ever bring up anything about people or feelings.

After a weekend with them being unable to talk about anything emotional or social, I am absolutely exhausted and bad tempered.

On the opposite side to this, when I mix with my medic friends (I am in the medical profession) I feel invigorated and nourished.

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Apr 29Liked by Dr Genevieve

Thank you for this article really appreciate it

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May 3, 2022Liked by Dr Genevieve

Dr Genevieve, thank you so much!

You described me and my whole life. I never felt so understood.

You correctly suggested us to meet like minded people, who you know are rare.

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to create a network for us? - with it we, your readers, could enjoy our companies and share our thoughts and feelings?

Thank you always! 🙏

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