Yes, I totally agree with this!

We've just welcomed our second dog into the family as of last week - Houdini :)

My girlfriend and I often talk about how simply present they are - they don't overthink or analyse anything... they just 'be'. And that definitely rubs off - I enjoy sitting with them and just enjoying their company... I also meditate with them sometimes, if they're in a calm mood (though getting the yoga mat out is always mayhem - but good fun!)

They bring lots of joy and happiness into the home - it's also nice to have the company as I work remotely. I feel privileged to have them.

(I won't mention cold walks in the rain or the muddy floors...) :P

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Such a fantastic share James. Thank you and congratulations on the new member of your family Houdini. Your dogs sound like beautiful company.

Yes it's also amazing to observe just how present and in the moment dogs can be. I think for us humans, often our overactive minds are a sign of stress stored up in our bodies. Animals are so much better at naturally discharging stress out of their bodies, and I wonder if that's why they are so much clearer and are therefore better at living in the moment? We can certainly learn so much from them.

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